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Відображення мережевого вмісту Відображення мережевого вмісту

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Відображення мережевого вмісту Відображення мережевого вмісту

University and War

University and War

The war in Ukraine has not only affected the political, economic, social, and cultural systems but also the education and schooling system. The full-scale assault of the Russian Federation on Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022 disrupted the teaching and research systems. The necessity of finding scholarly answers to tough questions about the situation of the universities – their academic staff and students – during the war, the solidarity attitude of universities in foreign countries, and the status of Ukrainian Studies are the causes of preparing this publication. The value of this volume is that the authors of most of the articles are specialists and theorists of the subject, at the same time observers and witnesses of the events and processes described, often actively involved n them.

Alicja Zofia Nowak is an University Professor and the Head of the Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies at Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Her research interests include East Church Culture on the Territory of Former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, History of Kyivan Metropolitanate, and Multiconfessional Heritage of Polish-Ukrainian Borderland.
Kinga Anna Gajda is an Associate Professor at the Institute of European Studies at Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Her research interests include Central and Eastern Europe, Cultural Heritage and Memory Studies, Museums, and Education.

Spotkanie z Jurijem Szczerbakiem i Janem Piekło

Spotkanie z Jurijem Szczerbakiem i Janem Piekło

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Spotkanie z ukraińską pisarką Tanią Pjankową

Zmiany godzin dyżuru i zajęć dr Joanny Bobuli

Zmiany godzin dyżuru i zajęć dr Joanny Bobuli

Wykład i spotkanie: ascism and Imperial Nationalism: The Roots of Russia’s War against Ukraine and the West

Wykład i spotkanie: ascism and Imperial Nationalism: The Roots of Russia’s War against Ukraine and the West